Small Town USA

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I LOVE living in a small town. The community events draw me in like a moth to a flame. I just can't get enough.

Every Saturday in the summer we have a farmer's markets in the town square. And since the town square happens to be just a half mile from my house... I try and make it every weekend.

Look at how gorgeous these carrots are... If I didn't already have 2 pounds of carrots in my house, I would have bought them in an instant... even if only for the color

I did however happen to buy this cucumber- Look how big it is! For comparison sake, look at that guys shoe on the right and that girl's butt on the left... and then look at the cucumber- HUGE!

This particular day there was also a 5k in town (Old Bill's Fun Run) where participants and bystanders can donate to the charity of their choice. So non- profits were all lined up with their booths throughout the town square as well and... the town was giving out a FREE breakfast burrito and pastry to anyone who stopped by- What?!... It was AWESOME. 2 community events in 1... with free food? I was loving it.

And what would an awesome community event be without a painted horse? This baby wasn't getting away from taking a picture with me... even if I did have to stand at the rear

The next day was September 11th and also the day of our annual Taste of the Tetons... one of my favorite community events where chefs from all the restaurants in town get together to give a "taste" of what they offer

Flags were hung all around town- as well as large black and white posters of citizens, young and old, who answered what freedom meant to them

I snacked on pork belly, a salmon and blackberry salad, a pulled pork slider (because one pork dish is never enough), a cinnamon pecan sticky bun, and a few other scrumptious treats...

So in one weekend, I was able to take in 3 awesome community events... I love my town


  1. Wow! This looks wonderful. I wish we had awesome events like this where I live. We used to live in Grand Haven, MI...which was such a nice small town: the farmers at the market always knew who you were...everyone was friendly...local business was important.

    And dang...the views! Gorgeous gorgeous.

  2. That sounds amazing! So jealous of where you live!

  3. Ahhh I want those carrots! Let uslegit get lost at the farmers market when u visit! You make me love your town :)

  4. Love farmer's markets. Yours is quite scenic!


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