Grateful For... A Thursday Edition

So I should have had this post up yesterday but with the California to Wyoming series starting up- I thought it could be pushed one day over this week. Better late than never right? So here it is- 5 things I'm grateful for the week...

1) I have dinner with my husband almost every night of the week (if not every). Back in Cali, we got 1 or 2 if we were lucky. I don't know what made me remember that- but having that time together (even if the dinner's thrown together or we're sitting in front of the tv) is really nice.

2) We've been having AMAZING weather. Skiers would slap me in the face for saying that- but seriously- I went to the post office Tuesday in just a sweater... sans down jacket... don't be jealous

3) My phone. Sometimes the lagging and little quirks it's adapted get to me, and yes I drool over the clarity of all phones made after mine, but the fact that my 3GS has been working for almost 3 years now has me impressed

4) The landscapes around here. It's hard not to feel inspired

5) My sister. I'm so blessed to have such a wise cracking, gorgeous, and intelligent lady in my life. She's the absolute best and I love her to pieces

(All photos from my instagram. Follow me @Silverpencils)


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