Future Brides I must tell you, our Wedding Rehearsal was when I had the, "Oh my Gosh I'm a Bride!" moment. Because the guests aren't there. The music isn't playing. The fancy dresses aren't there. But you two are. Your closest family and friends are. And the pastor who is going to marry you is there. It's almost like you could jump the gun and get it all said and done with right there... but then... what would the point of having a rehearsal be ;)
Ok- so enough with the mushy, sentimental goulash. I'm moving to my next rehearsal topic... What you be wearing?
What do you picture your wedding party wearing? Does it really matter? In the grand scheme of things- nope, not at all. But our bridesmaids and groomsmen were dressed so differently from eachother that I thought I'd include it in the post.
You see, the sun was going down and with all the tall trees around, it starts to get cold and dark faster. Our bridesmaid and groomsmen had also been helping set up throughout the day. So some dressed for that (which you can totally see I fully embraced in my picture), and other dressed more Wedding Rehearsally (word?). Had I remembered that my mom was taking pictures and that they'd be posted all over Weddingbee- yah- I may have taken a shower and at least put on jeans I actually like. But on the day before our wedding, my mind was EVERYWHERE.
Now on with the Fashion Show
Bridesmaid and Groosmen #7

Groosmend #6 and SIL Espresso.

Bridesmaid #5

Bridesmaid #3 and Brother in Law Espresso (don't have a picture of Brother Espresso and Bridesmaid #4 for some reason)

Best Man #2 and Sister Espresso

Our Best Man and Maid of Honor... totally dressed opposite of eachother and I love it!

Our adorable flower girl. She was freezing in her cute little outfit so my Dad (that's him in the back) went and got her a long sleeved shirt out of his truck

Mr. Espresso and our Pastor were freezing up at the front. Our Pastor is Australian and I could just listen to him talk for days. He's also incredibly sweet. He rode his motorcycle up the mountain for our rehearsal, then rode back down, then rode back up the next day for our Wedding!

Here's my dad about to give me away to Mr. Espresso. Ok, now see the first guy on the left side (next to the plaid arm)? That's my brother. Mr Espresso told me after the wedding that when my brother had asked him what to wear to the rehearsal- Mr. E jokingly said: "Boardshorts and flip flops man." And look what he showed up in. Gotta love little brothers :) Oh- and that's Mr. Espresso's Mom and Dad in the front- aren't they so cute?!

Here's Mr. Espresso shaking my Dad's hand really hard to prove that he's qualified to get me :)

And just so you can see how big our Wedding party was- here we all are together afterwards

After the Rehearsal, we all rushed back to our rooms or cabins, quickly got ready, and went out to our Rehearsal Dinner at a local Cottage Restaurant. The food was great, but the company of everyone we loved there was better. I don't know why we didn't take a lot of pictures that night- I think we were too busy eating and talking to bother- but here's one my mom took of me and Mr. Espresso, the night before he became my husband.

Have you even thought about what your party needs to wear to your rehearsal? Or if it even matters? As you can see, it definitely didn't matter for us. But looking at how some of our wedding party dressed compared to others just made me wonder if there are expectations out there. What do you think?
This is really interesting! Everyone kind of dressed up for our rehearsal, but perhaps that was because we were all going out afterward for the rehearsal dinner. The guys wore dress pants and dress shirts and the girls wore summer dresses.