Weekend Mountain Wedding: Fancy Men at Dreamland

Mr. E also had more friends show up the day of our wedding and cook them all breakfast. Seriously- we shared this day with some pretty awesome people.

Some photo time on the deck

Mr. Espresso rocking the watch I bought him for our Wedding day. I had our photographer take it over to him that morning .
The guys got dressed and ready within no time. So they relaxed on the deck until it was time to come over

How are/ or did the guys in your weddding spend the time before the wedding?
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Time to Get Beautified
Weekend Mountain Wedding:Morning Time
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Fancy vs. Not Fancy at the Rehearsal
Weekend Mountain Wedding: The Day Before
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Proof That It Did In Fact Happen

How are/ or did the guys in your weddding spend the time before the wedding?
Miss Something? Catch up Here:
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Time to Get Beautified
Weekend Mountain Wedding:Morning Time
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Fancy vs. Not Fancy at the Rehearsal
Weekend Mountain Wedding: The Day Before
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Proof That It Did In Fact Happen
All photos by Sandra Salisbury
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