Two o' clock. October 4, 2008. And my fiance is waiting for me beneath the pines. Check my hair. Check my makeup. Check my dress... a little loose. I the guess seamstress forgot to put the clasp back on after altering it... no worries, now I'm being sewn in (just a little added fun for the Wedding night ;)).
A scout runs out to make sure the guests and Mr. Espresso are ready as well, so our Photographer captures the room.
My Aunt Linda and Mama Espresso. My mom is so full of happy tears right here.

My wonderful cousin holds my bouquet for me as I fluff and hug.

Our flower girl Madison was definitely not shy in front of the camera. I gave her a few "Princess" items before the day began to make her feel more special. Here she is posing with her tiara and wand

My dad and step dad came in to tell me it was time.

The guests were ready.

So I took one picture with my beautiful, favorite, and only sister really quick...

And started on my last walk as his fiance. Ethan our ring bearer ran to me... or rather our flower girl. They were excited. I was floating. The reception decor was everywhere around me. I didn't even glance. My eyes were only looking forward.

The day was here. The air was cold and smelled of pine trees.

Everything was perfect. But everything to me only consisted of one person. And he was there waiting for me behind the trees.

There were my friends and family: black tie, encourging us, supporting us, and loving us. And I floated behind. Calm and in my own happy thoughts. Flashing Back. Flashing Forward. Ready. Ready to become the wife of the man I've always loved.

Up Next: The Ceremony Begins!
Miss Something? Catch up Here:
Weekend Mountain Wedding:
The Dress Comes OnWeekend Mountain Wedding:
Fancy Men at DreamlandWeekend Mountain Wedding:
Time to Get BeautifiedWeekend Mountain Wedding:
Morning TimeWeekend Mountain Wedding:
Fancy vs. Not Fancy at the RehearsalWeekend Mountain Wedding:
The Day Before
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Proof That It Did In Fact Happen
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