7 Meal Delivery Companies Reviewed

I was going to do a separate blog post for each meal delivery service we tried... but yeah... who was I kidding? I don't have the time for that, and you probably don't have the time to read 7 separate blog posts just to find out which one was the best. So I'm going to lay it out all right here quickly, to the point, and hopefully more efficiently.

Over the course of a year, my family tried Hello Fresh, Green Chef, Blue Apron, Home Chef, Sunbasket, Plated & Terra's Kitchen. Some we enjoyed so much that we tried it for multiple weeks, others we just did once. We don't have the budget to do one of these every week, but for those weeks where I knew we were going to be super busy- they came in super handy. I think they're also great for new moms (or to gift to a new mom) who has her hands full and could really use a quick, meal- because all of the meals generally never take more than a 30-45 minutes to make, the ingredients are all laid out for you, and there are step by step picture instructions included for each meal.

Also, if you want to try each meal delivery service before choosing on one, I believe every company can be easily canceled online. Or you can always skip or pause your account as well while you try different companies to see which one fits best for you and your family as well.

I've already reviewed Hello Fresh and Home Chef in detail- you can read about them here and here.

So here we got with the other 5:

Plated: Plated was the first company we tried. A friend of mine had a coupon for us to try it for free, and although I was skeptical and scared I was going to forget to cancel for future weeks, if we didn't like it, I decided to try it. And let's just say it got us hooked. Plated wasn't my favorite of the 7 but it also wasn't bad. I also wouldn't say any of them were bad- we just had ones we liked more than others. I also still continue to make one of the recipes we got from them- my husband loved it. I would say the portions were probably too small for him though.

Coupon/ Deal: If you'd like to try Plated for yourself, they're currently offering a deal where you can try one night free here

Green Chef: Green Chef was both mine and my husband's favorite. We ordered it several times and each time loved everything we got. I believe they are also the most expensive of the group, go figure :)

Coupon/ Deal: Through this link, you can currently get 4 meals free (which equals to about $50 off your first order!).

Sunbasket: Sunbasket was also in our top 3. The quality of ingredients these companies use is unbelievable. I was really impressed that we were generally receiving organic fruits and veggies and high quality, natural meats from almost all of these companies.

Coupon/  Deal: First 3 meals free through by clicking here

Blue Apron: Blue Apron was the company I was most familiar with upon starting this journey. While I had never personally tried it before, I had gifted it to family members and talked to friends who used them quite frequently. It was also the most affordable meal delivery service by far. We liked the meals we received but not enough to order again at the time. We may try them again in the future, I do think it's kind of hard to judge off of only 1 week, and again- the price point is nice.

Coupon/ Deal: I believe they're giving away 3 free meals as well here

Terra's Kitchen: Terra's Kitchen was the second company we tried. And let's just say- coolest delivery box goes to them! It comes in a like a mini refrigerator thing with drawers- as someone who loves cool packaging I was definitely excited :) Their meals were very healthy- and a bit too small for my husband who came home on the daily from 10 hours rafting out on the river. But they did offer a ton of different meal options which I loved. I'm not sure if they're doing any deals at the moment but you can find out more about their service here.


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