Good- bye my Sweet

Today marks the beginning of Lent. And even though I'm not Catholic, I still participate every year. I think it's good to give up something that's difficult for 40 days, and for God. Last year I gave up biting my nails. Years past I've given up fast food, bread, chocolate, soda, credit cards, etc...

This year- I'm giving up ALL sweets. And seeing that I just made Red Velvet Cake Batter Chocolate Chip Cookies yesterday... yah you read that correctly- it's already been a difficult morning. Off to the neighbors they go. Thankfully I indulged a bit yesterday. I'll also be posting the recipe tomorrow for those of you wondering about their decadent deliciousness.

Anybody else giving up something for Lent?


  1. I'm considering giving up something (I'm not Catholic) but my job and life are so stressful right now that I know I would never survive!

  2. Booze. And I have a feeling this will be difficult! Good luck to you!!

  3. Soda, I've tried before and failed but this year I'm determined. Good luck to you I don't know that I would ever have the will power for no sweets for lent!

  4. I've been giving up sweets during Lent for awhile...once you're into it, it gets easier. You can do it!

  5. Thanks ladies!

    Amanda- Definitely only do it when you're ready. If there's too much going on in your life- you don't want to add any more unwanted stress. But if and when you do decide to- as hard as it may be sometimes- it definitely feels awesome once the 40 days are up and have that little accomplishment of self control under your belt

    Bianca and Stephanie- Good luck ladies! You can do it!

    Meredith: Good for you! Sweets every year? I'm impressed! Your a Lent Rockstar :)

  6. I'm giving up... nothing. The Episcopal church (where we go now) recommends ADDING instead of SUBTRACTING this time of year. Adding quite time, Bible study, prayer, the reading of theological books, fellowship... being intentional about it. So I'm going to try to get better about praying, because I'm TERRIBLE at it. So yeah, we'll see. :-) I did get ashes for the first time ever yesterday and it was a surprisingly emotional experience. Definitely different from what I grew up practicing.

  7. Instead of giving something up this year, I'm taking something on. More focus on time spent with God and our relationship. I figure, the more Jesus I add the less room I'll have for all the other stuff that gets in the way and it will naturally fall ways, right? We'll see! Good luck with the no sweets...its girl scout cookie season!

  8. Katie & Jessica- I love that you both took something on- I had contemplated that too. I was going to start working out 5 days a week in order to start taking better care of the body God gave me ... but then I started worrying that I'd hurt my knee again- and then I'd be breaking lent... and then I think I just got overwhelmed with all the what ifs lol This has definitely been my most difficult Lent yet though- I hope you ladies are all staying strong! Praying for you!


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