#1 Happiness Trick
Good Morning and Happy Leap Day! I was reading the new issue of Health and it said that people who wrote down what they were thankful for once a week ended up feeling happier, healthier, and even exercised more. Not a mind blowing study by any means- but a happy one. And who doesn't need more positive, exercise inducing thoughts in their life? So every Wednesday- I'm going to write down 5 specific things I am thankful for that week.

2) Strawberries. I've been eating strawberries by the truckload since I gave up chocolate, candy, baked goods, etc... for Lent. They've helped keep me sane during all of my crazy cravings
4) The new Chinese place in town. I've never been a big fan of Chinese food, but my brother wanted some take- out from there the other day. The lady was soooo nice! She totally reminded me of my Grandma, and fed us tons of free apps while we were waiting for our food. I'll be back- Arnold style
1) The opportunity to spend tons of time with my little brother lately. In high school we were super close, but as time went by we kind of grew apart- my moving 3 states away didn't help either. But since he's been out visiting, and Danny's been working, we've spent a lot of great quality time together which I am so incredibly grateful for. That's us cross country skiing last weekend.
2) Strawberries. I've been eating strawberries by the truckload since I gave up chocolate, candy, baked goods, etc... for Lent. They've helped keep me sane during all of my crazy cravings
3) Snow- we've been getting so much this week- pure awesomeness
4) The new Chinese place in town. I've never been a big fan of Chinese food, but my brother wanted some take- out from there the other day. The lady was soooo nice! She totally reminded me of my Grandma, and fed us tons of free apps while we were waiting for our food. I'll be back- Arnold style
5) I tried out a side braid yesterday and as soon as my husband got home- he commented on how much he liked my outfit and hair- score!
What are 5 things you are grateful for today? Who knows- maybe if we see eachother's it will make us doubly happy and even more apt to work out
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