Weekend Mountain Wedding: We Say I DO!!!
I took the steps and made the walk. And now I was here, standing in front of Danny; looking into his eyes and him looking into mine. Smiling, blushing, laughing. We were here... finally. 
Press Play for some Background Music:
Pastor Daryl began with a short prayer. We closed our eyes as he blessed our union, our marriage, our love.

Our ceremony was short. There were no readings or songs from friends. No rose, sand, or candle ceremony. Just us...
Exchanging our vows and overflowing with joy. It went like this:
"I take you as my friend and love,
beside me and apart from me,
in laughter and in tears,
in conflict and tranquility,
asking that you be no other than yourself,
loving what I know of you
trusting what I do not know yet
in all the ways that life may find us."
We exchange our rings...

And then that was it. After a long relationship, a short engagement, a long drive, a short walk, we were here. Ready to begin a long and happy marriage together.
There was never a better emotion than this,
knowing that my favorite person in the world,
my best friend...
had become my husband.
Our families cheered us on (my dad of course without his socks :) )
We were finally Husband and Wife.

Weekend Mountain Wedding: A Walk Beneath the Pines
Weekend Mountain Wedding: The Procession of Little Black Dresses
Weekend Mountain Wedding: The Clock Strikes Two
Weekend Mountain Wedding: The Dress Comes On
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Fancy Men at Dreamland
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Time to Get Beautified
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Morning Time
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Fancy vs. Not Fancy at the Rehearsal
Weekend Mountain Wedding: The Day BeforeWeekend Mountain Wedding: Proof That It Did In Fact Happen

Press Play for some Background Music:
Pastor Daryl began with a short prayer. We closed our eyes as he blessed our union, our marriage, our love.

"I take you as my friend and love,

in laughter and in tears,

We exchange our rings...

Weekend Mountain Wedding: A Walk Beneath the Pines
Weekend Mountain Wedding: The Procession of Little Black Dresses
Weekend Mountain Wedding: The Clock Strikes Two
Weekend Mountain Wedding: The Dress Comes On
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Fancy Men at Dreamland
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Time to Get Beautified
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Morning Time
Weekend Mountain Wedding: Fancy vs. Not Fancy at the Rehearsal
Weekend Mountain Wedding: The Day BeforeWeekend Mountain Wedding: Proof That It Did In Fact Happen
All photos (except last one) by the amazinly talented Sandra Salisbury
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