Amazing Chicken Satay with Fiery Noodles

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this recipe. The satay sauce is phenomenal (especially once charred on the chicken) and the noodles in their special dressing are heavenly. Together- they're the perfect match. Enjoy!


Ā½ Small bunch of fresh cilantro
1 fresh red chile
Ā½ clove of garlic
3 heaping tablespoons good-quality crunchy peanut butter
Soy sauce
A 1-inch piece of fresh gingerroot
2 Limes

4 x 6-ounce skinless chicken breasts
Honey, for drizzling

8 ounces dried medium Chinese egg noodles (Chow mein noodles)
Ā½ medium-sized red onion
1 fresh red chile
A small bunch of fresh cilantro
1-2 Tablespoons of soy sauce
1 lime
1 teaspoon Asian Sesame oil
1 teaspoon fish sauce
1 teaspoon honey

To Start
Get all your ingredients and equipment ready. Turn the broiler on to full blast. Lay four wooden skewers in a dish of cold water to soak (If they float, use a plate to weigh them down). Put the standard blade attachment into the food processor.

Put the cilantro (Stalks and all) into the food processor with the chile (stalk removed), peeled garlic, and 3 heaping tablespoons of peanut butter.

Add a lug of soy sauce. Peel and roughly chop the ginger and add. Finely grate in the zest of both limes, then squeeze in the juice from one of them.

Add a couple splashes of water and whiz to a spoonable paste. Season to taste.

Spoon half into a nice bowl and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil; put the rest aside

Noodle Dressing:
Peel the red onion half and put it in the processor with the chile (stalk removed) and the stalks from the bunch of cilantro. Pulse until finely chopped, then put into a large serving bowl with 1 or 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and a few lugs of extra virgin olive oil. Squeeze in the juice of 1 lime, and stir in 1 teaspoon each of sesame oil and fish sauce. Mix well, then taste and correct the seasoning.

Line the chicken breasts up on a plastic board, alternating ends, and close together. Gently and carefully push the skewers through the breasts. Slice between the skewers to give you 4 kabobs. Thread any stray pieces on the ends of the skewers. To make the chicken crispier you can score it lightly on both sides. Scoop the rest of the satay mix from the processor onto the chicken skewers, and toss with your hands to coat, rubbing the flavor into the meat. Clear away the board and wash the knife and your hands.

Drizzle the chicken with oil olive and season with salt. Put on top shelf of the oven, under the broiler, for about 8 to 10 minutes on each side, or until golden and cooked through.

Meanwhile, add the noodles to boiling hot water and cook for about 3- 6 minutes.

Drain the noodles in a colander, refresh quickly under cold water, drain again, then add to dressing.

Then add the chicken, bring out the extra satay sauce, and Enjoy!

Recipe by Jamie Oliver


  1. I am so excited to try this for my Cilantro loving husband. I'm also excited to see some Celebration making a guest appearance :)

  2. haha Celebration felt like a good pairing


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