To the Weekend

I've been taking most weekends off lately, but this will be a working one. My best friend is flying in for a few days next week and I want to be able to take a little bit of time off to hang out with her. I will however be going to the first farmer's market of the season tomorrow and I am so excited! I love picking out fresh veggies, bread, and flowers and then experimenting with meals for the rest of the week. It's also so awesome talking to the different growers and learning about they're history, as well as the work that went into what I'm about to eat. Supporting a local organization is just so much more awesome than going to Albertson's you know? Not that I'm hating on Albertson's- without them I wouldn't have the rest of my food. If I was going to hate on anything- it would be mosquitoes and allergies (both of which have been attacking me for the last week). I don't understand what I ever did to either.
Despite the above two, I still think this weekend is going to be awesome. And I hope you have the absolute best weekend possible! See you here next week- there will be one downright gorgeous real wedding, as well as some new, yummy recipes. Cheers!
Image via that kind of woman via here
Have a wonderful weekend, Brandi!