Sick Puppy

The past few nights I've been staying up late with Maverick. He hasn't been able to keep food down and has been really lethargic. Since his symptoms aren't getting better, I'm going to take him to the vet today. Send some good, healthy puppy thoughts his way


  1. Oh no - poor baby! I hope he feels better soon!

  2. I hope puppy feels better soon! Same thing happened to my puppy at about 5 months old. The young pups try to eat everything, so I'm sure he just ingested something that upset his stomach. Our vet gave the pup an anti-nausea shot and put her on bland food for a few days and she was back to normal!

  3. praying for the pup! Hope gets get better real, real soon!

  4. Aww, poor baby! I hope he gets better soon and that it's nothing serious!

  5. I hope your pup is okay! I just went through similar vet issues with two of our dogs... I know it's hard and can feel like your helpless :( I hope everything goes well!

  6. Hope your little guy is feeling better! Sending lots of healing, feel-good vibes your way!

  7. Sending lots of puppy love and healthy thoughts his way. Keep us posted!

  8. :: GET WELL SOON, MAVERICK!!! CiCi, MuChi, and Wilkie send their puppy love your way! ::


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