New Ventures, New Items, and a Magazine Shoot!

So many exciting things have been going on over at Silver Pencils lately! I'm currently working on a very large bridal party order- making my first bouts and corsages has been so invigorating and fun.

I also recently loaned out my new pieces below for a Bridal Magazine Shoot! I can't go into the details just yet- but I'll be relaying more information as soon as I can.


Have a Wonderful Day!!


  1. Your pieces are so pretty :)
    CONGRATS on the magazine shoot! That is awesome!

  2. That's so amazing! You deserve it. Your shop is so beautiful.

  3. aww, congrats to you! That's so wonderful!! Your stuff is so beautiful, it's definitely deserved!

  4. Thanks so much everyone!! I'm defintely so excited!!!

  5. Awwww, CONGRATULATIONS a million times over, Brandi! That is amazing news! Your pieces scream to be seen so I am so glad you are getting more recognition! You go, lady!


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