You Wanna Swap?

I just started using Swaptree. For those of you unfamiliar with the website. You simply:

  • List any books/ cds/ dvds/ video games that you have and no longer want.

  • List any books/ cds/ dvds/ video games that you currently want

  • And let Swaptree find a match for you... for free.

  • Once Swaptree finds a match- they e- mail you and ask if you want to accept the trade- and then you mail the product to that person, while they mail what you want to you. The swap and website are free- you only pay for postage, which is by media mail or first class- both super cheap. (Swaptree already knows the weight of the product if you don't have a shipping scale and provides ready made postage for you to print also).
So get started listing all that chick lit, Dan Brown novels, and Oprah's book club picks you have lying around.

I've just joined a few days ago and I've already swapped two items. I didn't even have to go to the post office since I printed the postage off my printer and requested a free carrier pickup from the post office. Love it!

Is anyone currently using Swaptree or a member of a similar site?


  1. I'm a member of It's the same theory. I wonder how the two sites compare in regard to the number of books available?

  2. Cacey- I've never used paperbackswap- I'm going to have to go check that site out now... maybe it's better


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