I have a Cookie Fetish...

In the last 3 weeks I've made cookies 3 times. Chocolate Chip, then Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, and yesterday: Sugar Cookies. I'm going to branch out to more exotic desserts soon, but right now I'm just trying to use what I have in the cupboards :)

Here's the recipe I got from Food Network Magazine for these wonderfully simple and delicious cookies:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Beat 2 sticks of butter, 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, and 3/4 cup confectioners' sugar until fluffy. Beat in 2 egg yolks, 1 tspn vanilla, and 1 tspn orange zest.

In a seperate bowl, whisk 2 1/4 cups flour, 1/2 tspn baking powder, and 1/4 tspn salt. Stir into butter mixture, then chill for 30 minutes.

Remove from fridge after 30 minutes. Roll tablespoons into bowls and flatten. Sprinkle with whatever you want: I chose red for Valentine's and the multi- colored sprinkles because they're my favorite.
Bake for 15- 20 minutes. I baked mine for 16- 17 minutes.
And then you have these! The dough is really good as well by the way ;)


  1. Now I'm hungry for cookies. Thanks a lot! :)

  2. these look super yum, love the sprinkles!

  3. i love a good sugar cookie!

    also just a sidenote... i had replied to a comment of yours on my blog but there was a good chance you probably didn't read it... if i remember correctly you are from somewhere in the ie maybe? i'm in ontario and next weekend (the 6th)i'm going to be driving to meet with ali (frenchie) to go to a sd/oc meetup in dana point if you're interested in carpooling with us! :)

  4. Cute! :)

    I've been in SUCH a baking mood lately too. Maybe it's something about the California weather lately or something.

  5. Thanks ladies- the added orange zest gives them a wonderful flavor. And I forgot to mention the recipe creates about 24 cookies.

    Laura: My husband is running the Huntington Beach Half Marathon the next day, otherwise I would have loved to! I want to be there Saturday to help with anything else he needs to get and basically just help him relax before the big day. Thanks so much for inviting me though!

    Startup Wife: Maybe! Rainy weather just seems perfect for baking

  6. ha, a cookie fetish... that would describe me to a tee


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